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The One With Summer Gym
Friday | June 4, 2004 | 9:17 PM | Nikki |

Well I started summer p.e. Wednesday and lets just say I'm quite sore. I wasn't thrilled to start this anyway, I was partly talked into it, so when I got there I was already in a bad mood, but geez, it was worse then I thought it was going to be. We have to lift weights for an hour, thats by far the worst, then walk or jog for an hour, then play silly gym games for 2 hours. I guess I don't have it that bad, it's only till the 29th, but I'm still going to complain each and everyday about it. While I'm out running around with kick balls I could be laying right in my soft bed or sitting my big butt in front my computer drinking a diet coke complaining about hosting downtime and all that fun stuff. Yeah, I wish I was doing that for the next 3 weeks.

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