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The One With One Year of Blogging
Sunday | November 7, 2004 | 5:48 PM | Nikki | Comments (3)

This blog was officially a year old on November 3rd. Yup, on nov 3rd at 5 o'clock I logged in for the first time. Five hours later I finally got the thing to post right. And now a year later I still have only used this thing 49 times. Quality, not quantity right?

You know, every time i would try to post something here, i'd end up forgetting and doing something else. I've had plenty to talk about, like the election, school, and so much tennis rants it could fill a whole page, but I'm just so lazy. Maybe I'll try to get in a real post later this week, but don't hold your breath.


Happy birthday! i shall now sin gyou a song
happy birthday now your one year older
happy birthday your life still isn't over
since you last birthday you did not accomplish much
although you didn't die this year
i guess that's good enough!

November 7, 2004 8:34 PM

lol! Thanks for that!! Sorry it took so long to reply. i've been quite lazy. are you making it through the tennis off season? or did you get to catch some of the tennis masters cup?

November 30, 2004 8:26 PM

Nope I haven't caught anything since the paris thing but I'm looking forward to the austrailian Open inf... 4 WEEKS! *dies*

December 26, 2004 10:51 PM
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