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The One With The Skins
Sunday | April 18, 2004 | 8:53 PM | Nikki |

Well, my blog is officially skinned. I actually got it running a few days ago, I just hadn't had a chance to post about it for a while, and I've noticed a few people already using the second one. This night I just added another one, but the colors are hideous and its very buggy. I only recommend you using it if you really do like those colors. I'll try to fix it up some more tomorrow, but I used a lot more little graphics for it rather then css, and thats where the problems started. By time I got half way done tweaking it up, it was more then half css coded anyway. I did add a little contact section on the side, so you can see if I'm online or not, and a weather thing which I don't like at all. It only updates every hour, plus it sticks out. Thats about it, have fun messing with the silly skins, if you run into problems, which I know you will, please let me know about it.

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